Hooray! We’ve reached our Goal!

Celebrate good times, come on!

Hip hip hooray! We’ve reached our goal of 1450 camper weeks! Ring that bell, Liz!

This was the first year EVER that we’ve completely filled up Equestrian Camp! We also hit our Camp Horizons goal much sooner than ever before. We are so thankful for everyone who has helped to make these incredible milestones possible, especially our remarkable office staff, Kayla Hensley and Julie Fisher! We quite literally could not have done this without you!

To all of our AMAZING camp families and returning campers: thank you times a million!

To our maintenance and kitchen staff: you guys rock and simply do not get the credit you deserve. We love you!

To our summer camp staff: you are the true rock stars of Camp Horizons and we are so ready for you all to be back.

To all of the kids coming to camp this summer: WE CAN’T WAIT FOR YOU TO GET HERE!

While camp will be here before we know it, please enjoy this little slideshow of some of our favorite moments from camp. #WeareManyWeareOne

While we are filling up rapidly, we still have spots available! If you’re interested in signing up for camp this year, we recommend you don’t wait! We want to make sure you get to join us for the BEST SUMMER EVER!